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Treatment: Lipo-dissolve injections, also known as fat melt, are a non-surgical procedure that breaks down and eliminates fat cells under the chin and around the jawline. Meanwhile, Radiesse is a filler used to build up the chin and futher reduce any under-chin skin laxity. | Purpose: Permanent removal of stubborn fat to achieve a slimmer, more sculpted and well-proportioned body profile. |
Results: The body gradually eliminates the destroyed fat cells. It also takes time for the Radiesse to jumpstart collagen production, so optimal results won’t be visible for about two weeks. | Recovery: No downtime; however, patients may experience a slight stinging sensation as the lipo-dissolve starts to break down fat cells. This goes away quickly as does any swelling or soreness. |
Pain Level: Very tolerable. Akin to an injection pin prick. | Duration: 45 Minutes |